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Avoid Brand Devices in your Showcase

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First mistake using mockups in your showcase is using brand new computers or iphones in your design. That way it looks like you are selling apple products not your work.

Using brand new computers or iPhones in mockups for showcasing designs can indeed give the impression that the focus is on selling the products themselves rather than showcasing the actual work. It can potentially distract viewers from appreciating the design itself and instead direct their attention towards the well-known brands being featured.

When creating mockups, it’s important to consider the context and purpose of the showcase. If the intention is to highlight the design work, it’s often better to use generic or neutral devices that don’t carry strong brand associations. This allows the viewer to focus solely on the design elements without any bias towards specific brands.

Additionally, using mockups that feature older or more generic devices can also help convey a sense of timelessness and versatility to the designs, as they are not tied to a specific moment or technology trend.

Ultimately, the choice of mockup should align with the overall message and goals of the showcase, ensuring that the focus remains on the creative work being presented rather than the devices themselves.

This article will help you to achieve your goals in your showcase design.

Incorporating well-known brands in your showcase could potentially draw attention away from your own creations. Viewers may find themselves more focused on the brand identity rather than appreciating the essence of your design work.

Rabia Maras

When designers opt for mockups featuring brand new computers or iPhones, they risk overshadowing their own creative work with the allure of well-established brands. This can inadvertently shift the viewer’s attention away from the intricacies of the design itself and towards the perceived endorsement or association with the showcased products. By selecting such prominent devices, designers may inadvertently invite comparisons to the quality and prestige associated with these brands, potentially diluting the uniqueness and impact of their own work.

Therefore, it’s crucial for designers to meticulously consider the context and objectives of their showcase. If the primary goal is to spotlight the ingenuity and craftsmanship of their designs, opting for neutral or generic devices in mockups becomes imperative. These devices serve as unobtrusive vessels, allowing the viewer to immerse themselves fully in the visual narrative without the distraction of brand affiliations. Moreover, such an approach fosters a level playing field where the designs can be evaluated based solely on their merit, rather than being influenced by the reputation or appeal of specific brands.

  • Avoiding Brand Distraction: Incorporating well-known brands into your showcase can divert attention away from your own work, as viewers may focus more on the brand rather than the design itself.
  • Maintaining Neutrality: By omitting brands from your showcase, you create a neutral environment where viewers can evaluate your designs objectively, without preconceived notions or biases associated with specific brands.
  • Enhancing Timelessness: Utilizing generic or timeless mockups without brands ensures that your designs remain relevant and impactful across various contexts and time periods, preserving their longevity and versatility.

Furthermore, embracing mockups featuring older or more universal devices can imbue the showcased designs with a timeless quality. By eschewing the latest technological trends, designers create visuals that transcend temporal constraints, resonating with audiences regardless of the era or prevailing tech landscape. This deliberate choice not only underscores the versatility of the designs but also enhances their enduring appeal, ensuring their relevance and impact over time.

In essence, the selection of mockups should harmonize seamlessly with the overarching objectives and messaging of the showcase. By prioritizing the primacy of their creative endeavors and judiciously curating the presentation, designers can captivate and engage audiences, leaving an indelible impression that transcends the allure of any individual device or brand.

– Rabia Maras, Creative Director, 2023

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